Online la Special Issue on “New approaches for measuring poverty: studies and perspectives”

E’ online la Special Issue on “New approaches for measuring poverty: studies and perspectives” contenuta nel Volume 78 No. 4 del 2024.
Il volume si basa sui lavori della “Commissione scientifica interistituzionale sulla povertà assoluta” istituita dall’Istat nel triennio 2022-2024 e contiene i seguenti contributi:

  • Francesco Maria Chelli
  • Andrea Brandolini, Chiara Gigliarano, Matteo Mazziotta
    Introduction to the Special Issue on “New approaches for measuring poverty: studies and perspectives”
  • Chiara Saraceno
    Conceptual and methodological issues in defining and measuring absolute poverty
  • Cristina Freguja, Federico Polidoro
    The concept and measurement of poverty
  • Valeria de Martino, Lorenza Mistura, Raffaela Piccinelli
    The new food sub-component of the absolute poverty basket: an optimal balance of elements
  • Andrea Cutillo
    A new approach for determining minimum housing expenditures within the absolute poverty line in Italy
  • Ilaria Arigoni
    The new features of the residual component of the absolute poverty basket
  • Federico Di Leo, Isabella Corazziari
    Re-scaling the monetary value of the food component of absolute poverty basket: revision of saving coefficients and alternative approaches
  • Alessandro Brunetti, Stefania Fatello, Orietta Patacchia, Rosabel Ricci
    New data sources for the valorisation of the absolute poverty thresholds
  • Francesco Altarocca, Cristina Dormi, Stefania Fatello, Carlo Matta
    Some empirical evidence from the use of scanner data to estimate prices of food products included in the absolute poverty basket
  • Luigi Biggeri
    An evaluation of the new Istat measures of absolute poverty and possible developments of definitions, methods and indicators
  • Luigi Biggeri, Monica Pratesi
    The computation of poverty specific sub-national ppps for households by using the new estimations of absolute poverty thresholds produced by Istat in 2023
  • Massimo Aprea, Michele Raitano, Eleonora Romano, Pietro Zoppoli
    Absolute poverty, energy poverty and work intensity. the ad-hbs dataset as a key tool to assess the overlap of different poverty concepts
  • Federico Polidoro
    The impact of the global shocks on extreme poverty
  • Vito Peragine, Giovanni Vecchi
    Measuring absolute poverty in Italy: methods and challenges