Download Volume 76 Number 2, 2022
Aurora Angeli, Silvana Salvini
Demography of Mediterranean countries: what does it happen in the two shores?
Elena Ambrosetti
Migrations in the Mediterranean: old and new challenges and opportunities
Nidia Batic, Angelica Sandrin
When “at their home” also means “at our home”: survey on the quality of the reception of unaccompanied foreign minors in Italy
Margherita Maria Pagliuca, Sergio Longobardi, Giuseppe Gabrielli, Alessio Buonomo
Is the proportion of immigrant children in Italian schools directly or indirectly associated with educational performances?
Stefania M.L. Rimoldi, Antonella Zambon, Dario Pescini,
Alessandro Avellone
iFeel A tool for studying the effect of the pandemic and the lockdown on socio-economic behaviours
Roberto Basile, Sara Basso, Sara Miccoli, Cecilia Reynaud
Ageing population in Italy: a space-time analysis
Alessio Buonomo, Stefania Capecchi, Francesca Di Iorio,
Salvatore Strozza
Economic outcomes and immigrants’ self-identification
Francesca Bitonti
Bass model-based approach to migration
(Best Young Researcher Paper 2022) [download]
Francesca Feoli, Giovanni Fosco, Maria Antonietta Liguori
The pandemic crisis and the decline of births in Italy: a causal-effect analysis of the pandemic shock
Maria Herica La Valle, Francesca Licari, Maria Sole D’Orto,
Cecilia Reynaud
Internal and international migration from Italian regions: old and new disparities
Arjeta Veshi, Rei Shehu
Internationals and their legitimacy in the eyes of the public
Giulio Giacomo Cantone, Venera Tomaselli
On null models for contagion effects in multidimensional networks
Federico Benassi, Francesca Bitonti, Angelo Mazza, Salvatore Strozza
Sri Lankans’ residential segregation: comparative evidence from the main Italian municipalities
Sabrina Barcherini, Katia Bontempi, Serena Liani, Barbara Lorè, Simona Rosati
Online cognitive interviewing. a contribution to data quality
Eugenia De Rosa, Valeria de Martino, Francesca Scambia, Nadia Nur
Perspectives on LGBT+ working lives: stakeholders, employers and LGBT+ people
Clio Ciaschini, Margherita Carlucci, Francesco M. Chelli, Giuseppe Ricciardo Lamonica, Luca Salvati
Decreasing consumption because of covid-19? A multisectoral assessment
Vincenzo Marinello, Chiara Di Puma
An exploratory survey of customer satisfaction with particular reference to the services provided by the maritime, air and border health offices (USMAF) and health care services for navigating, maritime and civil aviation personnel (SASN)