Leonardo Becchetti
Ecological transition:a game theoretic and statistical challenge
Barbara Boschetto, Elisa Marzilli
How women’s work horizon is changing: an analysis of occupations across generations
Ali Abbasi, Farzin Ghanooni, Livia Celardo
Tourist destination loyalty: a case study of Rome
Stefania Della Queva, Valeriana Leporanico, Manuela Nicosia,
Sabrina Stoppiello
The nonprofit Sector in Italian Inner Areas
Alessio Buonomo, Giuseppe Gabrielli, Rosa Gatti,
Salvatore Strozza
Occupational characteristics and trajectories of young immigrants’ descendants in Italy
Silvana Robone
Insights into alcohol consumption: does educational mismatch affect drinking behaviors in Russia?
Francesca Ceccato, Marilena Angela Ciarallo, Paola Conigliaro
Labour costs and their components in 2020: characteristics and dynamics in Italy and in euro area countries
Paolo Emilio Cardone
Remote working and new forms of work: evidence from INAPP-PLUS
Michele Camisasca, Ilaria Screpante
Human resources recruitment in Italian public sector post COVID 19: demographic characteristics, gender compositions, education for a new public employer branding. Focus on Istat experience
Simona Ballabio, Elena Sorba, Alberto Vitalini
Income distribution in Lombardy during the pandemic transition: a territorial study
Sara Gigante, Silvia Pacini
An analysis of labour cost policies through statistical registers
Sheila Chapman, Vito Pipitone
The productivity of Italian firms: a spatial analysis
Marina Albanese, Francesco Busato, Gianluigi Cisco, Saverio Di Giorno
Behavioral factors, SDG awareness and sustainable policies in academia
Giuseppe Lecardane
Quality assessment of statistical information services. an exploratory analysis with Rasch model
Michele Camisasca, Eva Pietrantonio, Rosario Magro,
Alessandro Arborea, Anna Fabiani, Claudio Giordano, Marcella Pietrantonio, Giacomo Guerriero, Adeodato Sparano
Psychosocial risks: work-related stress risk assessment in Istat as a goal for the workers’ well-being
Daniela Fusco, Maria A. Liguori, Margherita M. Pagliuca
Gender gap of Italian region: a synthetic index propoposal
Rashad Mammadli
Unpacking determinants of water conservation behaviour and spatial heterogeneity in their coefficients
Gianni Carboni
The effect of great recession on european lifespan inequality
(Best Young Researcher Paper 2023)
Annamaria Fiore
Youth and female unemployment: a critical issue for inner areas in Puglia (Italy). needs and opportunities in the silver economy age
Luca Muzzioli, Viola Taormina
Can the measure of development be improved?
Agata Maria Madia Carucci, Roberto Antonello Palumbo,
Giovanni Vannella
The structural and economic profiles of enterprises with greater longevity
Elena Catanese, Francesca Inglese, Annalisa Lucarelli,
Giuseppina Ruocco
Analysing the labour market through a web data source: the skill dynamic based on online job advertisements
Arianna Carciotto
Experimental Statistics: a New Common Language for Uncommon Data