Maria Silvana Salvini

Gianluigi Salvucci

Scipione Sarlo

Gabriella Schoier

She is Associate Professor of Statistics at the University of Trieste. She is and has been member in different academic commitees. She is involved in the ERASMUS + project. She has been professeur visiteur at the Groupe de Statistique, at the Institut de l'Entreprise and at the Institut de Statistique of the University of Neuchâtel. In 2012 she has been visiting professor at the University of Plymouth. She has been a member of the Scientific Committee in different Congresses. She has participated in several funded projects. She is currently a member of different Italian and International Statistical Society. She is a reviewer for MIUR. She has been a reviewer for several International Journals. Research interests: Big Data, Data Mining, Spatial Data Mining Web Mining and Text Mining, Social Network analysis applied to the Web, Customer Satisfaction and Consumer Perception, Pink washing, Time Series Analysis, Operational and Credit Risk, Statistical Matching.

Luigi Scìmia

Martina Semboloni

Angelo Serio

Lorella Sicuro

Elena Siletti

Ballabio Simona